Now that's a nice king!
King fishing keeps steadily building as we move into the peak season. From all indications there are still kings holding out off shore that have yet to move into Gastineau Channel. This could very well mean there will be a push of fresh fish the last week of June and into early July. Fishing in the channel and Fish Creek has been slow compared to previous years at this time. What gives us hope is that the folks out trolling are picking up dime-bright fish and reporting there is a lot of feed in the water (mostly herring) that could be keeping the kings busy feeding before they return.
We've also seen good catch rates on the perimeter of the terminal area such as False Outer Point which points to more fish coming back soon. The bottom line is DON'T GIVE UP! There are more kings coming and plenty of time left to put one on the beach.

Oliver with a beautiful king on a Mr. Bodangles.
While a variety of flies have been working, Mr. Bodangles has been the hot fly by far. There is something about the way those rubber legs wiggle that kings can't resist. The top three colors are Pink, Orange/Pink and Chartreuse. If you prefer to tie your own, we have Tie-A-Dozen Kits available for Pink Mr. Bodangles, too.

We don't love seeing Special Weather Statements in June.
As you probably know, we have quite the unseasonably strong weather front moving in the next couple of days that is supposed to dump a bunch of rain on us. This will undoubtedly turn Gastineau Channel from Lemon Creek over to Fish Creek into chocolate milk. So turn your attention to areas outside of this such as Lena Cove, Thane Road near the big avalanche beach, and Sheep Creek. All these spots have had more kings than usual so far and fishing off the beach has been productive. And once this storm passes through the weather forecast looks really good for the week after.

Fish Creek kicks out a nice king.
For other fishing opportunities, it is last call for Windfall Creek sockeye fishing. This Saturday June 26th (we are guessing it will be blown out from rain) and next Wednesday June 30th are the final two days to do a little sockeye fishing this year. Take the day off on Wednesday and give it a go!
Pink salmon will be arriving soon and Echo Cove is consistently an early producer. Odd numbered years produce bigger runs in SE Alaska and reports from commercial fisherman out in Icy Straits are that the pinks are coming and they are pretty big this year. All of which is good news! If you catch an early pink on the fly be sure to send us a photo. We'd love to see it.
On a gear note, you may know that we are big fans of Hatch reels here at the shop. They hold up to harsh Alaska fishing conditions, have a classic and stylish look and are built in California of the finest materials. We have been waiting to get our hands on the new Iconic Series of Hatch reels and they have finally arrived! We have them in sizes from 4 weight to 10 weight and four sharp looking colors. Check them out next time you are in the shop.
Happy fishing.